Monday, March 23, 2009

Tourism in Oman

Tourism in Oman

Oman can offer a compelling sense of exploration and discovery, and a wildlife holiday that few would imagine possible. Tourism aimed specifically at those interested in the natural environment, or eco-tourism, may be the keystone to the future of the industry in Oman. Thoughtfully planned and carefully managed it will allow for the generation of revenue without clashing with conservation concerns and cultural heritage.
The stark beauty and wide range of contrasting landscapes that characterize the country create habitats for a wealth of wildlife. Among the variety of fauna and flora are millions of migrant wading birds passing through year after year; entire marine ecosystems unique to science; mountain, desert and shoreline plants of stunning diversity; desert dwellers of surprising abundance; endangered Arabian mammals like leopard and oryx; seashells of exquisite nature; coral reefs that stud the sea with vibrant colours; innumerable endemic fish; whales and dolphins from coast to coast and turtles that nest in numbers matched by no other country on the planet. And alongside the natural wealth is a culture as rich as the sea, mountain and desert environments with which it has arisen.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little lough

“While outside a local store’s parking lot, I loudly sneezed twice. A woman passing by said, “Bless you,” to me and then added with a grin, “those are the loudest sneezes I have ever heard!” I jokingly replied, “I bet I woke you up.”
“No,” she replied smiling, “but you sure did knock my socks off!”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what is your favourite fruite ?
grape free polls

Monday, February 16, 2009

Optomistic Products, Concord MA 01742 --

Optomistic Products, Concord MA 01742 --

Be more optomistic

Be more optomistic: "I have always been a very postotive person. When I was in high school I would occassionally be a little negative and at times down, but you can let all that get to you. Sure life brings problems and struggles,but think of all that is good in your life and how there is someone out there that has it worse than you. Wake up everyday with a sense of joy that could make you live for eternity…stress is not kule."